I have finally got around to my New Year’s resolution…it’s only July!
I have finally sorted my wardrobe out, thanks to a very wet rainy Saturday. My plan was to clear a wardrobe with a collapsed rail out in January, sort of wardrobe de-tox.
I even placed a comment on the wonderful Verite Reily Collins’s blog
On 5 January I wrote,
“Embarrassingly I have a wardrobe in my sons room with a collapsed hanging rail, I opened door & hurriedly squashed it shut. All the clothes have been lying on the floor for over a month. So your encouragement is perfect timing. All quality items will go to a Cancer Research charity shop & the ‘rags’ will go to a local charity who do clothing recycling here on Anglesey.
This is the type of De-tox I can DO! Regards, Jo”
My wardrobe still looked like this in July, some plan.
After an hour it looked like this.
After 3 hours and a bit of DIY (with shouting – only way to do DIY in my book) I had finished.
Although I now realise I need to mend the door – perhaps I will plan this in for 2013?
The best thing was the donation I made to the charity shop.
My car boot looked like this, hurray.
I hope someone enjoys my ill fitting shoes and discarded clothes.
Much better to recycle than things just sitting gathering dust.
What’s next on the list?
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