Anglesey Business Week 19 – 23 Sept 2011
We are involved in two events during the week.
Marketing Masterclass Aber-Bangor Skills Centre
Jo Quinney will be giving a presentation on ‘Public Relations Print and Online Media Management’,
Paul Levy (Livetech Ltd) on ‘Internet Marketing’ and
Wyn Roberts (Aqua Marketing) – ‘Campaign Strategy Management’.
Event: Marketing Masterclass at Bangor University.
Date: Tuesday 20 September
Where: The Management Centre, Bangor University
Time: 7.45 -11.30am
Event fee: FREE
To book: Email Matt or call 01248 365921
Tickets are free but registration prior to the event is required.
Network She Working Lunch
Event: Pole position speakers, lunch and championship networking for business women (and men).
Date: Wednesday 21 September
Where: Elim Peugeot Garage, Llangefni
Time: 12.30 -2.30pm
Event fee: FREE
To book: Email Julie or call 0845 0095081
Tickets are free but registration prior to the event is required.
Download events lists and booking form at Isle of Anglesey County Council website or email Yvonne for more information.